Newborn Sequencing 2023 Part II: What Evidence Is Enough?

Mendelspod |
November 2023

Julia Karow, Managing Editor at GenomeWeb; Robert Green, Director of Genomes2People and Co-Chair of the International Consortium on Newborn Sequencing (ICoNS); Wendy Chung, Chair of Pediatrics in Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital and leader of the Guardian Study; and James Buchanan, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at Queen Mary University in London, discuss takeaways and … Continued

Newborn Screening and Genomics with Robert C. Green, MD, MPH

Ambry Genetics |
August 2023

In this webinar Dr. Green explores the path towards a more personalized and preventive approach to medicine. He draws on insights gained from the MedSeq and BabySeq projects led by the Genomes2People Research Program (G2P).

The buy in

This Study Shows |
June 2021

“We might think that science and money have nothing to do with each other, but whether it’s video games, consumer DNA kits, or even the concrete we build with, the connections are everywhere. Listen to Dr. Mitu Khandaker, Dr. John Orr, and Dr. Jason Vassy explore what happens when research and commercial interests collide.”

Econogenomics: The economics of genomic testing for health

Medium |
January 2020
G2P Blog

“The cost of sequencing itself is already comparable to a lot of other diagnostic tests regularly used in medicine,” Kurt Christensen, PhD said. Besides: “What really moves the needle on cost effectiveness isn’t the costs — it’s the benefits.”

Sanford Health taps Harvard, Brigham and Women’s for genetic screening study

Genome Web |
June 2019

Under the four-year collaboration, experts in genomic medicine from Harvard and Brigham and Women’s will help guide Sanford researchers in using and interpreting data collected through the Sanford Chip, a $49 pharmacogenomic test to identify genetic risk factors for medication use and more accurately prescribe medications.

G2P Newsletter March 2019

March 2019
G2P News

Spring saw accomplishments by team members through numerous projects. G2P officially kicked-off the PeopleSeq consortium in Boston this January! Our very own, Carrie Blout, MS, CGC, was one of 86 Partner’s individuals awarded the Partners In Excellence Award.

Is it too soon to consider genome sequencing for newborns?

Medium |
March 2019
G2P Blog

Parents and clinicians have their own ideas about newborn genome sequencing. Dr. Robert Green, principal investigator of the BabySeq Project, shares a detailed analysis of the results from the study and his thoughts on the utility of genomic sequencing for newborns in clinical care.

The true cost of whole genome sequencing

Medium |
September 2018
G2P Blog

The true costs of genome sequencing don’t end with the technical production of A’s, T’s, C’s and G’s, and they don’t even end with the molecular interpretation of a few dozen or even a few hundred genes.

G2P Newsletter April 2018

Genomes2People |
April 2018
G2P News

Spring saw accomplishments by team members and new advances in direct-to-consumer testing. Dr. Kurt Christensen provides compelling detail about econogenomics cost and benefits to genetic sequencing, and Megan Maxwell discusses genetic counseling and the MilSeq project on a podcast.

Genome sequencing for healthy people: Will it be harmful?

Medium |
March 2018
G2P Blog

The second piece of a 2-part blog series authored by Dr. Robert C. Green. An early study found no problems related to unnecessary or harmful medical follow-ups after healthy people received their genome sequencing results. To read the first piece, visit:

Does genome sequencing increase downstream medical costs?

Brigham Women's Hospital |
March 2018
Press Release

“Whole genome sequencing is coming of age, but there’s fear that with these advancements will come rocketing health care costs,” said lead author Kurt Christensen, MPH, PhD, an instructor of medicine in the Division of Genetics at BWH. “Our pilot study is the first to provide insights into the cost of integrating whole genome sequencing … Continued

Genome sequencing for healthy people: Will it be helpful?

Medium |
February 2018
G2P Blog

The first piece of a 2-part blog series authored by Dr. Robert C. Green. Early results suggest that yes, whole genome sequencing may very well be substantially helpful to a significant number of healthy patients. To read the second piece, visit:

G2P Newsletter December 2017

Genomes2People |
December 2017
G2P News

Winter highlights include Dr. Robert Green’s interview with Rob Reid on the pros and cons to genetic sequencing, G2P team members’ participation in the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) conference, and our Understand Your Genome Educational Event in Boston.

Genome sequencing for healthy people: Is it time?

The Huffington Post |
September 2016
G2P Blog

A blog post authored by Dr. Robert Green discussing the benefits and challenges that people and health professionals are faced with when dealing with genetic testing and screening. Here, he addresses ethical issues and potential complications alongside beneficial factors that deal genome testing.

Genomes2People: a roadmap for genomic medicine

Front Line Genomics |
May 2016

An overview and summary of the main projects that are being conducted within the G2P program, both past and present. This article also includes the progract managers and research assistants on each major project.

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