Collaborative Projects

Data Sharing: A consortium-sanctioned activity to support global research and discovery
At the 2023 International Conference on Newborn Sequencing (ICoNS), Dr. David Bick; Dr. Nidhi Shah, G2P collaborator; and Rose Heald, G2P team member, share plans to share and harmonize data amongst newborn sequencing projects internationally.
Awareness and utilization of genetic testing among Hispanic and Latino adults living in the US: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos
Precision Population Health
Precision Population Health (PPH) aims to bring the power of precision medicine to primary care settings, where it can be used to treat disease or prevent it before it occurs. The initiative combines expertise from Ariadne Labs and Genomes2People, creating a world-class collaboration of clinical genomics experts and implementation scientists to overcome the challenges that … Continued

Combining science and service as a VA genetic counselor
“In 2019, [G2V’s] Morgan Danowski graduated and joined Boston VA. There, she supports VA’s Million Veteran Program (MVP), now the world’s largest genomics research program. The program takes DNA from participating Veterans and information on their health, lifestyle and military experiences and exposures to better understand disease in Veteran populations. With over 830,000 Veterans enrolled, … Continued
Sanford Imagenetics METRICS
Genetic testing has the potential to revolutionize primary care by helping health care providers tailor medication choices to their patients’ genetic information and by identifying inherited risk factors for disease before patients develop symptoms. Few health systems have integrated genetic testing into general patient care to date and even fewer have developed the infrastructure to … Continued
Genomics and Life Insurance Working Group
We have assembled a Genomics & Life Insurance Working Group of experts to explore themes, challenges and benefits of educating life insurers about genetic and genomics concepts. We would like to help them better understand how genetic and genomic testing can ultimately prolong individuals’ lives, resulting in a net benefit for patients and their life … Continued
Genomes2Veterans (G2V) Research Program
Join Us ABOUT US At G2V, we envision a future where health care uses genomics to improve human health equitably. We work towards this vision in the following ways: We conduct biomedical research to determine the role of genetic and genomic technologies in improving the care and health outcomes of Veterans and other patients. Our … Continued
Econogenomics Working Group
Genomic medicine has the potential to revolutionize patient care. Yet, major questions remain about the value it provides and its impact overall health care expenditures. Advocates hope that genomic medicine will help control expenditures by streamlining diagnostic processes, informing selection and dosing of treatments, and identifying at‐risk individuals to facilitate targeted prevention. The price of … Continued