The PeopleSeq Consortium

Genomic sequencing is available to and being utilized by physicians and their patients in both research and clinical settings. Instead of using genomic technology in the hopes of identifying a cause for a specific condition, genomic sequencing in healthy individuals would follow a model of “predispositional” genomic testing. This model envisions results being returned in a … Continued


G2P Newsletter March 2019

March 2019
Spring saw accomplishments by team members through numerous projects. G2P officially kicked-off the PeopleSeq consortium in Boston this January! Our very own, Carrie Blout, MS, CGC, was one of 86 Partner’s individuals awarded the Partners In Excellence Award.

G2P News: PeopleSeq launch

G2P News
January 2019
The PeopleSeq Consortium officially kicked off their NIH- funded project in Boston, bringing together a cohort of leading academic and industry collaborators.

G2P Newsletter December 2018

December 2018
This Fall, G2P has had exciting updates with a new PeopleSeq grant. Our team has traveled from San Diego, Atlanta, and Fort Detrick to Basel, Zurich, and Barcelona, to several conferences, presenting new data from our translational genomics research projects.

Studying personal genomics: Expanding the pool

November 2018
While a good deal of research has focused on finding information within the human genome that can diagnose rare conditions, far less work has been done to understand the longer-term consequences of identifying genetic risks in apparently healthy people. Read more the PeopleSeq Consoritum from the principal investigator, Dr. Robert Green!

Plenary presentation at the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology Precision Health Meeting

AGBT Precision Health Conference
September 2018
Dr. Robert C. Green speaks at the 2018 Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) Precision Health Conference in San Diego, California about our efforts to gather empirical data on genome sequencing healthy individuals. Watch to learn more about G2P’s MilSeq, BabySeq, MedSeq, PeopleSeq, PGen and REVEAL projects. Click here for more on the conference.

Genome for healthy people: Early results

Huffington Post
January 2017
This is part of our overall scientific mission to determine how personal genomic sequencing may impact participants’ long-term health, behavioral and economic outcomes.

Genome sequencing for healthy people: Is it time?

The Huffington Post
September 2016
A blog post authored by Dr. Robert Green discussing the benefits and challenges that people and health professionals are faced with when dealing with genetic testing and screening. Here, he addresses ethical issues and potential complications alongside beneficial factors that deal genome testing.

Latest News From Genomes2People