International Conference on Newborn Sequencing (ICoNS)

Boston, MA
October 5, 2022
11:00 am
Museum of Science
  • Robert C. Green, MD, MPH
  • Bethany Zettler, MS, CGC
  • Carrie Blout Zawatsky, MS, CGC

Please join us for the world’s FIRST International Conference on Newborn Sequencing (ICoNS)!

This event is co-hosted by the Genomes2People research program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, the Broad Institute, and Ariadne Labs, along with GenomeWeb’s Precision Medicine Leaders’ Summit, and will feature speakers from the global projects that are already making progress in this space. ICoNS will be held this Wednesday and Thursday, October 5- 6, 2022 at Boston’s Museum of Science and online. Register here to attend and learn how DNA sequencing is being implemented globally as a diagnostic and screening strategy for newborn children. 

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