Multiomics in Precision Medicine

The Broad Institute, Boston, MA
June 21, 2022
3:00 pm
  • Robert C. Green, MD, MPH
Keynote - Universal Newborn Screening and the Path to Preventative Genomics

Multiomics in Precision Medicine will be held on June 22-23, 2022, at the Broad Institute in Boston, MA. Sessions will focus on the theme, Emerging Strategies for Multiomics in Precision Medicine.

Two key drivers in precision medicine have been the recognition that populations within a disease area need medicines tailored to their specific needs, and the ability to identify these populations by analyzing large, diverse datasets. Genomics has been extremely successful in identifying these populations and in characterizing the molecular mechanisms underlying disease, but genomics alone is not sufficient to inform effective precision medicine strategies.

Conference Chair & Featured Speaker: Dr. Robert Green

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